Get your 3D anaglyph glasses out and check out this exploration of 3D type in stereo. Fullscreen the video and step back about six feet for maximum stereoscopic effect. I built this typeface to investigate and demonstrate the properties of stereoscopic workflow for part of my talk at the HOWdesign conference. I used Maxon’s Cinema 4D and Adobe’s After Effects and used the stereoscopic camera tools in both of those applications. I also used a couple of plugins (Eyedesyn’s TextEdgeFX & GreyScaleGorrila’s Transform) to build my animations. I tried to design to two different constraints: making all of my glyphs to a 16x9 grid, and to take advantage of the “horizon line edge exception” rule of stereoscopic outlined in my talk.
Here’s the Mono version:
The source files for this project are available for download.
The friendly people at American Paper Optics provided glasses for my talk. They’ll provide a free sample pair if you’d like to view “Stereotype” as it was meant to be seen. The sound design for this piece is by the incredible Edison.