mvcrft365 “Academy Award Nominees”
For this weeks, dailies, I thought it might be fun to do designs based on the Academy Award best pictures nominees. If you are unaware of my dailies project, each week, consume one piece of media: short story, song, article, or presentation, or etc… Create seven images based on that concept. Spend about 90 minutes on each image. Repeat 52x.
Email me for the source files. Various formats. Cinema4D, AE, PSD, AI. The usual disclaimer: I’m liberally using google images and intentionally working messy and destructively. These are certainly not production files. I don’t own all of the copyrights to every reference image, but I try and source from Creative Commons and wikipedia when I can. You can use them as an educational resource, but please don’t charge for the source files, redistribute, repackage, or copyright the images in any way.